Friday, September 20, 2024

Cooking up a storm

Another busy day with dog walking before Alison and I drove to W allotment and I cut the grass whilst Alison did the picking. We stopped at the garden centre on the way back and Alison bought a vibernum which she planted out later.

Once home, we did a walk in the woods before hitting the kitchen, Alison to whizz up a raspberry and apple crumble and I cooked loads of tomatoes for sauces for the freezer and the fridge.

I did Maria vegan pizza and macaroni cheese for tea whilst roasting us a butternet squash, carrots and courgette, all from the allotment with lots of rosemary, also from the allotment.

We also had spinach we had grown and vegan pasties with a filling of carrot, onion, potato and a little tomato sauce, again all from the allotment. 

I have eaten 62 different types of plant this week according to an app which lists all of the differing things you can include. It is lovely to be able to use so much you have grown yourself.

By the evening dog walk, the thunder was well under way and it absolutely poured when we were at the supermarket a few minutes ago. Fantastic skies and bright rainbows.

Late summer sunshine

Alison and I took the dogs to Knowlton Chruch for a run.

I drove to Durley Chine and had a swim in the still warm water. All pretty quiet on the beach.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Day 2 of Alison at work again.

It was a shorter day for Maria today with a 3.30 finish thankfully. Once I'd taken Alison to work I sorted out the windscreen wipers as they'd been squeaky for a while and the longer one had broken.

Lots of breakfast clearing up but then a lovely long walk in the woods followed by a litter pick.

I had time to pick up 5 bags of manure for the WM allotment which was busier than it has been in the sunshine. The spinach and lettuce look just about ready to start picking, as does the coriander and the basil. The leeks and parsnips can wait until the frost comes. There was some weeding and watering to do and then off to collect Maria.

I made a raspberry and pear crumble using the berries from the allotment and garden, along with mash, spinach, chard and runner beans from the allotment. Great to have all the goodies coming still.



Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Alison back at work

Alison is working 8 - 6 today, so an early start. I dropped her off down the road and then Joseph got the bus to school, with Bridie then taking Maria to dance and on to work. By 8.30 I had the house to myself and a long stretch to get on in.

After a breakfast, cooked by Alison for Joseph on his 13th birthday, there was plenty for me to clear away followed by hoovering, tidying in general and a long dog walk with both Rag and Juno.

I drove to Verwood and stopped to fill 4 bags with manure and collected another two on the way to W allotment. Lovely sunny morning again. Watered a few things and then picked lots of tomatoes, a butternut squash, chard, spinach and runner beans.

Once home I roasted beetroot and carrot before pickling them and also made two tubs of tomato sauce using the bounty from the morning.

The car got a good clean and the dogs another walk. Joseph arrived back after a good day at school and has an evening with Andy to look forward to before heading home. Maria is staying at dance till her singing lesson at 6 and then acro between 7.30 and 8.30. Incredibly long day!

I'll collect Alison for 6 and then head out to WM allotment on the way to collect Maria at 8.30. Time to make the tea now and plan ahead for tomorrow when I have a similar day with Alison working but Maria needing collecting at 3.30.

It might be a beach day!

Monday, September 16, 2024

A calmer end to the day

Maria was at dance from 9 this morning until 6.45, so I stopped at the WM allotment before driving on to collect her and it was lovely to spend a few minutes in the sunshine without having to do much of anything to maintain the plot. Just a bit of watering and weeding, as well as picking a few more runner beans. We'll be harvesting them for a few more weeks yet it looks like, and the parsnips look a good size too. We've also got plenty of leeks to come, plus the lettuce, spinach and herbs are coming along nicely under the cloche.

I did my first walk with both Juno and Rag in the woods earlier. Both very good and hopefully, the good weather will continue making it more enjoyable walking them.

Party weekend no 1

Having been over to the campsite in the morning, our next stop was Frogham for a joint birthday, Harry's brother, Jesse, and Glen. 

Great location, great weather and great company, along with the best food you could hope to have al fresco in the New Forest. Very tasty and so much to choose from.

Sunday did not go quite as well with Bridie driving home from the campsite and getting hit in the rear. No one was hurt thankfully but the damage is more extensive than you might think from first glance. 

Today, Glen and Harry go to London and fly out to Greece tomorrow with her family. We have Rag for the 10 days they are away.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Birthday camping

Bridie and Joseph are camping nearby with three of Joseph's friends heading over today for a birthday celebration.

We took a short ride there last night on a beautiful evening to drop off a curry and more camping equipment. What a beautiful campsite with so much space.

This morning we have walked the 4.5 mile circuit to drop off a couple more items, and Juno loved the long walk, again in the most wonderful sunshine.

We are off to Glen's party later, his birthday is today, and will be getting things ready for all the family coming over for Sunday dinner tomorrow.

Friday, September 13, 2024

After the rain comes the sunshine

The woods are full of these beetles which feed on all kinds of waste and they are all over the place along the paths throughout the area. 

It is now cold in the evenings and mornings but the sun is out during the day which is making it pleasant enough on dog walks and at the allotment.

W allotment this morning was looking good with a mow and some grass edging. Brought home runner beans, French beans, courgettes, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, chard and different herbs. There are lots of beetroot, carrots, greens, squash and cabbage to come, along with the more recently sown lettuce, spinach and courgettes. Hoping for a prolonged harvest period.

Bridie and Jospeh have a camping weekend for his birthday nearby, so we will see them later. Glen has a party tomorrow for his birthday and everyone is round for Sunday dinner to finish the celebrations for now.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Allotments and college

Maria started college today. Bridie is taking her in each morning on her way to work.

Alison and I did the shopping and then headed to W allotment. Runner beans, spinach, chard, courgette, carrots, beetroot and swede picked along with a bucketful of potatoes, the last of the year. 

Glen popped in at lunch for butternutsquash soup.

Did a roast for dinner before colelcting Maria at 6.45, a very long day for her. On the way I stopped to colelct manure which I spread over the beds at WM allotment. 

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Rainy family weekend

I collected Joe and the girls on Froday evening and we had them over until this afternoon. The children watched Beetlejuice on Friday eve and Signs last night. Never seen Beetlejuice myself.

Plenty of dog walks, arts and crafts and a trip tp see Great Grnadma at her care home whilst I got on at the allotment between downpours.

Just international football this weekend, so very dull on the sporting front.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Calm before the storm

Heavy rain forecast for tomorrow so a busy day today.

Walked Juno at Remedy Golf Course where she rolled herself in something very smelly requiring a bath when we got back. 

Breakfast was followed by a drive to W allotment for 8am and harvesting, mowing, weeding and composting. Three new courgette plants doing very well.

Runner beans, Frnech beans, courgette, potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, chard, a squash, raspberries, carrot, beetroot, rosemary and parsley. 

Home for 9.20 and a second Juno walk.

Rode down to Morrisons for a few things from the supermarket and then had a chat with Glen. The Ragwormers have been asked to play at the Rising Sun in Feb next year.

Alison at Orchard for a chat about working 20 hours a week with a specific child and agreed to start next week. 8 - 6 on Tuesday and Wednesdays.

Picked blackberries next before making some tomato sauce, hummus, pickled beetroot and carrots.

Did the tea - red thai curry - and then three mile walk with Juno. Have strained the blackberry juice off and boiled it up to make jars of blackberry jelly.

Time to stop and relax now.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

An inquisitive dog

Dog walk down to Horton Way and Juno always stands up to look over the bridge at the point in the photos.

Lots of cooking this morning. Roast beetroot and carrots for pickling. Carrot top and basil pesto, Roasted brocolli and onion to go with pasta for lunch, plus spinach, chard, runner beans and few French beans.

Ringwood shortly for an appt with Straight Tooth Co for Maria and then dance. Alison is off to babysit for J & K. Bridie was back at work today but Joseph is off till tomorrow when he starts Year 8 at CMS.

Monday, September 02, 2024

WM allotment update

Alison was at Castlepoint whilst I did the lunch. 

Maria was at dance 4.30 to 6.45 so I went to the nearby allotment. 

Picked runner beans and tomatoes. 

Lettuce and spinach doing well under cloche, plus coriander and basil seedlings. 

Weeded, spread compost on one of the beds. Very good stuff. 

Several trips back and forth collecting wood chips for the paths. 


Cooking up a storm

Another busy day with dog walking before Alison and I drove to W allotment and I cut the grass whilst Alison did the picking. We stopped at ...