Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Day 2 of Alison at work again.

It was a shorter day for Maria today with a 3.30 finish thankfully. Once I'd taken Alison to work I sorted out the windscreen wipers as they'd been squeaky for a while and the longer one had broken.

Lots of breakfast clearing up but then a lovely long walk in the woods followed by a litter pick.

I had time to pick up 5 bags of manure for the WM allotment which was busier than it has been in the sunshine. The spinach and lettuce look just about ready to start picking, as does the coriander and the basil. The leeks and parsnips can wait until the frost comes. There was some weeding and watering to do and then off to collect Maria.

I made a raspberry and pear crumble using the berries from the allotment and garden, along with mash, spinach, chard and runner beans from the allotment. Great to have all the goodies coming still.



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