Monday, October 10, 2022

Monday miscellaneous

It's been a long day starting before dawn with a walk in the dark with Juno. In a change of routine we only went for a short outing at first whilst waiting for the light to come. We were out for a run by 7.30 and got over 4 miles done. Once the house had been vacuumed, the kitchen and toilets cleaned and the utility room tidied, I got the lawns mowed including the verge outside.

You'll see the mushroons all round the tree stumps I brought in a couple of years ago. I don't know if that is linked but it looks pretty spectacular.

After some lunch I drove to West Moors allotment to get more produce and ended up with a couple of spare sqaushes and about 8kgs of green tomatoes which are out for the use of anyone in the neighbourhood. I took Juno out to the woods before starting on the tea, vegan chilli with rice and homemade tortillas. The surplus chickpeas were used for this week's hummus.

Finally, Juno and I were out for a walk in the dark under the harvest moon.

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Ragwormers play Teddy Rocks

I think I have been slightly overdoing all the exercise and allotmenting lately and that culminated in feeling so physically tired on Friday...