Friday, June 10, 2022

Dog leg to the left at Remedy Oak

Juno and I were on the golf course at Remedy Oak before 6.30 this morning and were rewarded with sinshine. Once Maria had got the bus I was off for a run which essentially followed the same path as the earlier dog walk but a bit further, all whilst listening to The Promise on Audible, a book which won last year's Booker Prize. In fact I finished listening to it today and found it more than worthwhile getting hold of.

Alison is suffering, like so many others, with hay fever, and so was taking things a little more easy today but I was soon off again, this time on the bike, to get a few things from the shops and then onto Joy's. I was using the new panniers on the bike and what a great thing they are allowing me to get all the veg I needed for tea plus a bottle of wine and some tonic water, the essentials of life. 

Joy was up and about, already knitting, and after a brief chat I got down to cutting the lawns and doing a bit of weeding in the veg patch where the potatoes, onions and runner beans are making good progress.

Once home and after lunch, I had a meeting with members of the village hall committee which was looking at ways we can improve the look of the hall and the site itself. There is a lot of work to get the premises being used as they should be. It has a lot going for it as a venue but it does not look the most inspiring of places, so work on making it more attractive.

I did pasta and a tomato sauce for tea alongside brocolli, steamed and then gently fried with garlic, roasted peppers with balsamic vinegar and olive oil and garlic, and roast tomatoes which were drizzled with oil and basil. It was very nice and it was a change to have to cook for just myself and Alison, as Maria was at dance.


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