Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Sharp showers and cycling


I took a ride to Wimborne this morning and had the pleasure of using the panniers for the first time which took a load off my back. It was nice and sunny when I left but it rained several times whilst I was at the allotment and made me realise what a hopeless summer we are having so far. There has been some warmth but almost every day is wet at some point. It is such a let down and makes me very happy we are off to France in July.

I did 18 and a bit miles on the bike in total and enjoyed a couple of hours of weeding, strimming and harvesting. The broad beans are good and I picked some greens too. The strawberries are almost ready too.

The best bit was clearing the section along the back which had become overgrown with grass and is now clear again, along with edging the borders of the various beds.

I also popped into Wimborne and refilled 5 spice and herb jars at a cost of £1.05 which is almost a fifth of what that would have cost in the shops. 

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