Thursday, April 28, 2022

After the morning dog walk before 6.30am, I was out running at the start of a busy day which first took me to Verwood. I ran past a building site which seems to suggest George Bailey strove in vain to stop Mr Potter. All around Verwood are references to Potter, just as in It's A Wonderful Life, but I believe that is more likely to reference the history of the town as a small community of potters working on clay which is found plentifully in the locality. I managed 4 miles and then got on with filling the bird feeders, mowing the front and back lawns and weeding the vegetable plot for Joy.

Once those tasks were completed, i got to installing CCTV for the property and it went without hitch meaning we can see what's going on in terms of the garden and drive, adding to the security of the home.

I picked my bike up and cycled back to take Juno out again, this time to the bluebell woods, as you can see in the photo. There was still time to get to the Wimborne allotment before collecting Maria from school and I focused on strimming the remainder of the plot before adding compost to the trench for the runner beans and constructing the bamboo sticks for the plants to climb in a month or so.

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Ragwormers play Teddy Rocks

I think I have been slightly overdoing all the exercise and allotmenting lately and that culminated in feeling so physically tired on Friday...