Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Another allotment update

You can't have too many allotment updates. Perhaps. Alison and I were down in Verwood to drop the car off for a service before returning home for me to get on the bike for a ride to West Moors and the newer allotment, essentially the 7 raised beds. What a beautiful morning it was for the trip which I was able to do virtually all off road, certainly avoiding the worst of the roads after Verwood.  

I had to pop into the town to pay an allotment fee and ended up taking several phone calls, including the happy news that we need two tyres for the car and that the thermostat reservoir was dry due to a leaking seal and required replacing. Despite that I was able to refocus on the jobs in hand after a while and enjoyed weeding the beds before planting climbing french beans, the last of the potatoes, more peas, beetroot and spinach, as well as more carrots.

Already making progress are the early potatoes, spinach, carrot, peas and onions, as well as the shallots. I'll be back again soon to plant up further but we are also benefitting from having leeks already from the previous owner and the well established raspberries and blackcurrants. The blackcurrants in particular look to be laden with small flowers boding well for later in the year.

I stopped at Joy's on the way back and left the bike in her garage to collect tomorrow so I could just get the car after its service. I've got CCTV to set up at Joy's tomorrow and can do the bird feeders before doing her lawns on Thursday. I'll be back at Wimborne allotment tomorrow too but I don't think there'll be any photos this time!

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Ragwormers play Teddy Rocks

I think I have been slightly overdoing all the exercise and allotmenting lately and that culminated in feeling so physically tired on Friday...