Thursday, March 10, 2022

Allotment update

I thought I'd take some photos of mud. I did pop into the garden centre on the way to Wimborne and picked up some potatoes which are on top of those already purchased so we can plant them at the new plot in West Moors with the children.As is often the case, I got seduced into buying some additional seeds, this time onion sets and some more shallots. Again, the idea is to plant them at the new plot given the extra space we have.

I walked down from QE and strimmed the grass first before digging over one final small bed which has a few leeks in still. The garlic, broad beans and onions are doing well and the starwberry bed looks neater for its tidy up. The next steps will be planting the first of the spring seeds, digging a trench for the runner beans to be planted in May, digging out the nettles around the compost heap in order to boost the growing area. I'm looking forward to it all and some better weather.

With all the activity I am averaging well over 17000 steps a day and am roaring through the lsitening, Cranford on Audible and an episode about earthquakes on In Our Time. 

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