Thursday, July 16, 2020

Allotment and exercise

The best thing about yesterday was that Maria got to dance at Studio One again. It's been a long time and she has been missing it hugely. Lots of changes with the entry and collection routines but just great to be learning alongside others once more. She treated us to a show when she got back which served to show she retains her ability to learn and remember the routines speedily.

I had ridden to the allotment earlier in the day to do some weeding and to water the seedlings. Looks like things are continuing to progress nicely and I enjoyed a 20 mile ride through Holt Heath, taking a longer route to extend the ride. I finished listening to the Humankind audiobook whilst riding. Enjoyed it a great deal, so much chimed with my world view, but I can imagine many, many people would strongly disagree with the optimistic and positive view of human beings.

Having ridden to the allotment I still managed to get a run done waiting for Maria at dance. A nice little 5km in under 9 and 1/2 minute miles. Not too shabby considering the earlier ride.

The potatoes look about ready to dig, so it will be interesting to see how they've cropped when I dig some next week after our weekend in Devon. The spinach is in excellent shape, alongside the beetroot. We've got onions doing well after being planted very late, some late broad beans and french beans. There was a desperate patch where lots of things got planted late due to the lockdown, difficulty in getting the seeds and devastation caused by rabbits eating the first sowings. That we have recovered something is very pleasing.

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Ragwormers play Teddy Rocks

I think I have been slightly overdoing all the exercise and allotmenting lately and that culminated in feeling so physically tired on Friday...