Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Lockdown - what lockdown

It looks like life is starting to get back to normal judging by the numerous pictures and reports coming from the coast around Dorset. The crowds flocking to beaches are reported as having dumped tonnes of litter, gone to the toilet just about anywhere and been abusive to anyone seeking to modify their risky behaviours. I'm not sure I buy that completely as the photos make little attempt to reduce the natural effect of reducing distances between people making it appear social distancing isn't taking place.

However, there are more instances of the actions associated with reducing the spread of the virus fading into memory such as more people out and about, increased road traffic and meeting up with others outside their immediate household. That is true for us with the family network more or less back to normal. We had Evie and Amelia over yesterday again and I saw Joy too, just after Sandra had left her.

A real plus has been the number of cyclists. It is amazing to see and the great weather has played a major part in that, I would guess. For me, yesterday was a running day with just over 4 miles in the heat of midday. Waking this morning, the rain has drifted in and is going to perk the allotment up considerably.

We had a lovely walk in the woods yesterday and laid a trail using bits of wool tied to trees. That gave the girls a boost in completing a long walk without complaint, giving them a focus for the adventure. School went well too with both Maria and Joseph into their murder mysteries. More to follow this morning I am sure.

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