Friday, March 08, 2024

Allotment day

I had time for a run before heading off to the allotment again, this time to complete the shed and to start getting across the jobs that required doing after a long winter break. It meant I could then pop up to the school to collect Maria and very pleasant it turned out to be.

The felt for the roof was my first task and that was straightforward, alongside putting up the trim to hold the edges in place, as well as providing a neater finish. There was also the corner and overlap battening to do and it ended up looking pretty smart. It was certainly nice sitting inside to eat some lunch and have a coffee out of the wind.

I had charged the batteries for strimmer and mower and got a good start on sorting out the grass. I also got the old tool store dismantled and piled up with the other rubbish collected over the past four years, so that will require a trip to the dump to dispose of soon. That leaves me with digging, sorting out the beds ready for planting, although two are pretty much in use with broad beans and garlic well established.

We have also been sorting things out in the playroom where there is now a sofa which allows us to have a cuddle with the cat and dog, who are not permitted in the front room due to Joseph's asthma. 

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Ragwormers play Teddy Rocks

I think I have been slightly overdoing all the exercise and allotmenting lately and that culminated in feeling so physically tired on Friday...