Thursday, September 14, 2023

Final swim in the sea of 2023?

Yesterday morning gave me a chance to pop down to the beach between Boscombe and Bournemouth piers, a choice that meant Joy could enjoy the beach without having to walk too far, and I managed to get into the sea for a lovely swim. The skies were not that inviting with the temperatures a good deal lower than last week. However, the sea itself is warm comparatively. It was afterwards when I felt the cold a little more.

Joy and I had a hot drink and took a look at the cliffs where there are goats grazing and plenty of birds looking for food, and there was the people watching too which was confined to walkers, cyclists and runners with absolutely no one on the beach and certainly no one else in the water.

I have also popped down the allotment at Wimborne twice this week and the butternut squash, courgette and potatoes are doing very well. The last of the french beans and peas have been collected and there are plenty of beetroot, carrots and greens too. It has also been a time to start clearing the weeds which have been thriving in my relaxed summer attitude. Time for change is coming.

The Ragwormers side of things has also been going well with lots on the horizon, gigs, recording and making contacts. I have also got two Artsreach performances in hand which will be on at the village hall, so feeling quite pleased with the progress being made.

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Ragwormers play Teddy Rocks

I think I have been slightly overdoing all the exercise and allotmenting lately and that culminated in feeling so physically tired on Friday...