Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Durley Chine and the end of summer


Yesterday was an INSET day for the children which gave us the chance to head for a final visit to the beach before the studying started again, particularly in light of the weather being so fantastic. Despite so many children being off school, we managed to park easily and headed to our usual location where we set up camp for a few hours. There were some quite big waves, enough to put Alison off spending too much time in the water, as she isn't that confident still but Joseph loved floating on the body board as he swept up and down. I had a couple of lengthy dips swimming between the groynes to add to the 5km earlier in the day.

Today has been manic from the start, a 6am wake up, although it was just Joseph back in today. With the house sale going through, the wasp nest in a back bedroom needing sorting out before handover, Maria feeling unwell and being checked for glandular fever, Joy, taking Joseph to school and back, as well as dog walking, shopping, cooking and organising Artsreach events for the village hall and for Glen's band, it has not stopped. 

Tomorrow I plan to spoil myself with a trip to the beach on my own for a run along the beach front followed by a swim, then home for lunch before a trip to the allotment with Joy in the afternoon.

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