Sunday, June 04, 2023

Wildlife weekend

Having spent a good deal of the end of the week at the allotments, the weekend has given me a break, although we having been enjoying broad beans and lettuce from the plots. On Saturday I helped out at the village hall Wild Woodlands event leading on the bug hunt and the scavenger hunt. Sadly, there were few people in attendance but the weather and it being half term means we were never going to see the numbers for other recent dates.

We found a number of mini beasts including spiders, flies, caterpillars, woodlice and red spider mites. There was also art work inspired by what we had found, making nest boxes and bug hotels, as well as a ploughman's for lunch. The large new bug hotel was built near the hedges and didn't take too long at all. 

Once home, having taken Joy with me for the morning, we settled to watch the cup finals in England and Scotland. Maria was out with friends in Bournemouth which was lovely for her, especially with school on the horizon again.

Whilst on a dog walk today, we came across the lizard shown above, a common lizard I think, but it was great to see it so close up as it obligingly stopped for some time in the dust of the path throughRemedy Oak. 

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Ragwormers play Teddy Rocks

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