Friday, April 07, 2023

Easter Thursday

Joseph was with us early with Bridie off to work before breaking up for Easter. We had a nice morning whilst Maria was still at her friend's house after the sleepover the night before, and Alison was off to Sandra's for a day in the garden. Joseph and I played a game of chess, draughts and then dominoes, him winning both games of dominoes. We got into the woods with Juno and explored the older part of the wooods where the huge yew tree stands.

It was time to collect Maria for 11.45 and we all got into the motorhome and drove over to Canford Arena to pick her up before heading back to the Horton Inn. Joy took a tumble after getting off the van and I was worried she could have hurt herself but she was quickly up again and none the worse for wear. It just shows how vulnerable she is, as she had got down fine and was just on the gravel before tottering back a few steps and going down backwards.

Inside we had a good feed and spent a couple of hours having a chat and watching Joseph eat lots, ending with him being the only taker for pudding, a sticky toffee pudding with ice cream.

Andy picked Joseph up for the remainder of the afternoon whilst Maria got ready for dance which finished at 7.30. Juno and I got a three mile walk in and then a bit of telly time.

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