Friday, November 11, 2022

It's too warm for November.

We were awake even earlier than usual for some reason and I was out with Juno just after 6am for a very dark walk, at least at the start. By the time we were home the light was coming through, a dull day but dry. The allotments are essentially up together now and just need maintenance through the winter but there is no need for me to plan regular visits. With Joy's hedges done and the lawns cut, the same is true of that commitment, just the regular trips down to do little jobs. That means my days are going to be nice and clear in general and I'll be out with Juno a lot as the days shorten and we arrive at the Christmas holidays.

Having done the household chores, Juno and I did a woodland walk to Remedy Oak and back via the village green. It was still overcast but by lunchtime the sun was out and I took the opportunity to cut the grass, rake a few leaves and chop some kindling, as well as sawing up some of the recently pruned apple tree branches. It was so nice I sat outside for a while and watched the goldfinches, the sun warm and inviting a bee to be about collecting nectar. That doesn't feel quite right for the middle part of the month and I took in the fact we have so many plants in flower. The winter jasmine obviously does well at this time, the fuschias too but the others ought to have given up by now, surely?

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