Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Autumn closing in fast

I was at the allotment in Wimborne to dig up more of the potatoes. I had intended to get them all up but in the event, there are so many of them, they can wait a little longer before harvest. There are plenty of greens to pick still, as well as beetroot and a few beans but things have changed.

Looking around it would be easy to clear most of the beds now, as their crops are done and the soil needs a feed and a bit of a dig ahead of the quiet months to come. The strawberries, for example, are no longer covering the whole of the area and the leaves are browning, as the plants shrink back to dormancy.

However, there is plenty to do with the prospect of planting out some winter salad, onion sets and broad beans which is in addition to the plans I have in mind to make even more of the site. I have quite a list of things to do but until next week when we really do get back to a more normal routine after the busy summer, the list can wait.

It was warm again, muggy, and I got a right sweat on running 5km and walking 9km with Juno ltare in the day.  

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W allotment

I managed a good few hours at the bigger allotment yesterday which resulted in my preparing the final beds, the big one in particular, for p...