Thursday, August 25, 2022

More catch up.

It's been another day of getting back on top of things starting as ever witha dog walk to the woods in the drizzle. Once back, I prepped some veg from the allotment and made some butternut squash soup before sorting out the washbasins and bath, using the plunger to remove any blockages slowing the emptying of them, fixing a small bit of flooring and getting things tidy.

Juno and I had another walk before I was back out again myself, this time to do some litter picking. Sadly I got a whole bag full of cans and bottles mainly, stopping for a while to have a chat with another old guy from the village who hasn't been well of late. It was then time for a run which took me out towards Mannington and a total of 3.5 miles.

After lunch I was in the car to the Wimborne allotment to do some work on the borders of the beds, strimming, harvesting and weeding, as well as remvoing plants which have gone over. I have a clear idea of what I want to do next and look forward to the autumn so I can make a start with the bigger jobs.

In the meantime I have brought home greens, chard and spinach, beans, French and runner, beetroor and raspberries. There are lots of potatoes to come too. Very pleased with the beetroot which has got to a good size and will be great for pickling. 

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