Friday, June 24, 2022

It’s growing well…

First thing this morning I noticed a jackdaw on the feeders but whilst we have plenty of visiting jackdaws, this one was most unusual looking, as you might be able to see in the photo above. It is missing feathers around its head and neck giving it a pretty grotesque appearance, something like a vulture. It may be that it has mites or some other skin condition causing loss of feathers or it could be a diseased bird or it may even have alopecia for birds apparently.I'll keep an eye out for it but can't help but feel it won't be around for too long.

It was a pleasant enough day for a ride to Moors Valley and then to Joy's where I got the lawns cut, the vegetable plot weeded and cut right back a bay tree which had grown to tower into the sky. It's all chopped up now ready for the garden waste bin.

After the ride home and some lunch I was off to Wimborne where I checked on the lettuce I transplanted earlier in the week and I can report the rabbits have enjoyed much of them! I've had to cover the remainder to give them some protection. I picked yet more strawberries and spinach before strimming the grass paths and checking the onions and garlic which are nearing the time to be picked.

Maria was promptly out of school and we got home for some tea before Thursday dance which I took her to so I could double back a little to spend an hour at the West Moors allotment where I did more watering and weeding. The peas are the best crop presently, although the  greens are doing better now. However, the shallots and a courgette are also striving.

It felt like a long day full of driving around and lots of outdoor time too. I needed a rest!

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Ragwormers play Teddy Rocks

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