Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Hitting the ground running

 It really is a very dull day today but Juno and I have had a good morning walk and I am just back from a 4.5 mile run. The mileage is definitely improving, although I am taking it steadily in terms of pace. It is funny how routes take shape but I set out in the opposite direction to which I had intended originally and ran down to Martins Farm before turning right. I was going to retrace my steps and then go down into the village but I kept going down by the fishing lake and into Verwood and across the heathland before coming back across the golf course and past home. It was there I decided to keep going despite having done the 5km I would usually set out to do as a minimum.

It was enjoyable listening to the Thursday Murder Club as I went along and I'm 3/4 of the way through already, so something of a page turner, or the audible equivalent. 

Once a month or so I check my own book sales and, whilst not in the same continent as Richard Osman's, it is still amazing to see it continues to sell. I wonder who is buying it these days. Do they just come across it on Amazon and dip in? The paperback isn't cheap so they either must be very taken with it based on the reviews, or they know me possibly and want to read it. After being out for a year I don't really believe there would be anyone who could have read it but hasn't, if you know what I mean. 

It is very gratifying but I am still not motivated to get on with any writing for now. I am spending more time on Duolingo and a bit of time recently on Wordle, a bit of a craze from the past several weeks. I've only just started on it but for all four days so far I have guessed the 5 letter word on the third go. It is important not to read anything into that. I refure to believe it means anything other than perhaps I have more time to sit and puzzle over it, or maybe being an English teacher is something of an advantage too.

On Duolingo I hit my 500th consecutive day today. That's quite a bit of French and Spanish and it will all be helping maintain brain function apparently. Keeping the mind active is part of keeping dementia at bay by all accounts. Let's hope so! 

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