Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Cranborne Chase

 I had a lovely walk around Cranborne today after a 4.5 mile run this morning following Maria's home schooling session. The two photos show a murky day, a lot milder but a lot of rain this morning which soaked me on the run. Highlights were seeing a kestrel, a bird which  must be resident along the route as I have seen it almost every time I have done the walk, and then a red kite slowly making its way along the bare fields in search of prey. Red kites are still relatively uncommon here, they haven't got the same presence as over the motorways near Newbury and norhtwards, but they are spreading and I hope will become a more common sight in Dorset.

It is almost a year since I last looked at my novel and I have decided now is the time to return to it. Covid seemed to bring a halt to any hopes I might have had of getting an agent to pick it up, especially one recommended by a former teaching colleague. That being the case, I'd be more than happy to just put it out on the Kindle platform, getting any kind of readership at all and then taking it from there. 

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