Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Allotment - cycle ride


I had a lovely start to the day taking the children to school and taking them in together leaves Joseph and I a few minutes to spare before walking down to the First School. We spent the bonus time looking through the art book I'd thrown in the back of the car to pass the time and hope that repeated exposure will both inspire and inform him. You never know what might click. There was a painting of a snail, looking nothing like a snail but it was lovely to hear Joseph explain how it might be understood, in his own words. 

From there I was on the bike for a ride to the allotment and it was another pleasant autumn day. I was able to take out some spent planting and mesh and bean sticks before digging it over, as well as sowing a row of spinach to over winter. That's spinach, garlic, broad beans and chard all in for the winter and early spring, as well as the lettuce coming on well, alongside the new beetroot plants.

It was a very enjoyable ride home along the main Wimborne to Cranborne route. I don't usually take this road due to fears about the amount and speed of the traffic but I felt the urge to tackle it and what a lovely cycle it proved to be, the photos above showing the clear skies and countryside.

Once we'd had lunch we took a trip to the garden centre looking for some hedging plants to replace the laurel which is dying back in places and then we were out in the garden. I trimmed the hedges lightly and mowed the back lawn, hoping that is the final time for the year. Maisy and I got round the goat farm walk and I got the stir fry going using tofu, rice noodles and veg togethter with some broad beans and cashews. All very nice.


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