Wednesday, September 23, 2020


It was time for the Fiesta to have its MoT which meant having to drop it down in the morning, walk round to Bridie's, who isn't feeling well, to fix the kitchen strip light (success!), walk round to Joy's to weed the vegetable plot and fix the bathroom lock and then walk back home. A very pleasant walk it was too.

Alison's car has passed its MoT but we are going to be selling it as we don't need two cars and it is taking up soace in the drive and costing us road tax and insurance. However, I had to use it for the school run and taking Maria to dance. I used the time whilst at dance to do the weekly shop, have a run and catch up with some reading.

The main  news was of further restirctions and it seems to me they are liekly to be something of a staging post on the way to further tightening in a few weeks. The tension between the desire to keep the economy going, to be seen to be responding to those arguing it is a huge over-reaction to a disease which is going to affect relatviely few people and to avoid being seen as the bearer of bad news, and the knowledge that they can't mess it up again as badly as the spring and early summer chaos, has meant they've fudged the decisions in the hope that it will be ok, it will be enough. Maybe that is the right way to go, maybe that is going to be sufficient but the risks are enormous and despite the siren voices pushing for easing of lockdown measures and greater freedoms, the public appear to be keen for tougher action.

The message is not getting through and there has been confusion for months. Although there is a recognition of the need for a swift and decisive response to the increase in infections, there is also a sense of anger at the irony of having been encouraged to get back to normal, to enjoy the summer, to eat out to help out, to get back to the offices and workplaces, to shop, to have a drink with friends, it is the public who are being blamed here. Even though they have shown commendable resolve in following the rules, they are to blame for spreading it, for seeking tests when they feel unwell and for failing to be grateful for everything the Government has done for them. The ingratitude appears to be the biggest source of annoyance amongst the Cabinet.

In the end though it comes down to one thing, or maybe two. I have to mention the Government deliberately seeking to break International Law. That hardly sets the best example to anyone. However, it all fell apart in terms of being able to hold the moral high ground when Cummings was allowed to remain in post after his laughable excuses for the trip to Durham and Barnard Castle. He did what any father would do. Those words seem to be the excuse we could all use when acting in opposition to the guidelines. I used my judgement and felt it better to do what suited me rather than follow the rules.

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