Thursday, June 18, 2020

Burley in the Amethyst Autosleeper 17th June

We took advantage of the good weather in taking the motorhome out into the New Forset again, just for the day in light of the ongoing restrictions owing to Covid-19.

It was great to be able to spread out over the field and into the surrounding trees, as well as complete a circular walk/cycle. The decision to ask the people who sold us the sleeper to fit a bike carrier to the rear of the MH was a good one, enabling us to take the bikes belonging Maria and Joseph, so much easier than having to fit the carrier to the car and then strap everything into place. Just loaded them onto the mount, which has a strap to lock in each wheel, and then a couple of lines to add some extra support and security.

We'd had Evie and Amelia over the previous day and they had enjoyed playing in the mud kitchen and the new paddling pool. Lovely to be busy with the family.

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