Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Icy weather

A cold start to the day meant getting out for a run later than usual, after the school run and after some more work on the novel. I'm up to 2000 words now and it is flowing nicely. I have felt happy enough to give it to Alison to read and she has been very positive about it. How much credence to give her view is a difficult one. At least she doesn't hate it and I think she would say if she wasn't getting it.

The  later run went well. Over 5 miles at 8.30 per mile which is good going for me. It was still cold but I got some music going early on and that seemed to help. Ended up with tracks from the first Clash album.

Got a round in on the 9 hole Woodland course at Crane Valley and took 44 shots which is my worst round. And yet I played 7 holes pretty well, parring 3 holes too. It was the start that cost me with a huge 8, unheard of, on the first, followed by a 7 on the second. Not being warmed up was part of the reason but the main thing was the soaking ground which I just couldn't get anywhere with. The irons were going nowhere, as I topped the ball several times. I did chip for a birdie as well on the third though which was a lovely surprise.

Retirement means I can enjoy my leisure and the next activity was walking the dog. I was watching a buzzard being pursued by a crow and then spotted a kestrel moving from tree to tree, perching to scour the ground for prey rather than the skilful hovering I more commonly notice.

One thing was odd on the walk. A roe deer appeared to have scars along its back, quite long scars, three of them, which revealed pink skin rather than brown fur. I can only think these are old injuries from fighting another male. The photo doesn't capture the markings sadly.

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