Sunday, October 09, 2005

Bird feeding

Just a few of the pictures I took this morning of the birds feeding in both the front and back gardens. They aren't particularly wonderful shots unfortunately as I struggle to get to grips with the didgtal zoom but the goldfinches do appear colourful, there is a lovely blue tit on the peanuts and a coal tit too.

We've been lucky to have a nuthatch visit regularly, actually there must be at least two of them, along with the sparrows, starlings, robin, dunnock, jackdaw, blackbird, long tailed tit, collared dove, greenfinch and so on. I'm going to try and get photos of them properly over the next weekends.

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Euro tour

Our little trek round Europe is taking shape and is coming ever closer. This is for Maria and Lily to have an adventure after Maria's GC...