Friday, November 15, 2024

Nice day for a bike ride

Having cut the grass and Alison being out in the garden for the morning, it was clearly a lovely day again and so  a good time for another bike ride, this time over to Horton and up to Drusillas.

The chicken farm where they produce lots and lots of eggs saw quite a nuber of the hens outside and the fields are home to sheep, something that has only happened recently. The rooks have been loving the bonanza of the sheep disturbing the ground and the resulting insects, boosted by the droppings which attract more insects too. 

It was lovely to see a sizeable area given over to wild flowers including sunflowers which have been left to go to seed to support the birds over winter. Great views over to Knowlton Church and to Horton Tower too.

I stopped at Drusillas for a pint before heading home and they had two huge fires blazing in the wood burning stoves. Almost too warm!!

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