Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Calm before the storm

Heavy rain forecast for tomorrow so a busy day today.

Walked Juno at Remedy Golf Course where she rolled herself in something very smelly requiring a bath when we got back. 

Breakfast was followed by a drive to W allotment for 8am and harvesting, mowing, weeding and composting. Three new courgette plants doing very well.

Runner beans, Frnech beans, courgette, potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, chard, a squash, raspberries, carrot, beetroot, rosemary and parsley. 

Home for 9.20 and a second Juno walk.

Rode down to Morrisons for a few things from the supermarket and then had a chat with Glen. The Ragwormers have been asked to play at the Rising Sun in Feb next year.

Alison at Orchard for a chat about working 20 hours a week with a specific child and agreed to start next week. 8 - 6 on Tuesday and Wednesdays.

Picked blackberries next before making some tomato sauce, hummus, pickled beetroot and carrots.

Did the tea - red thai curry - and then three mile walk with Juno. Have strained the blackberry juice off and boiled it up to make jars of blackberry jelly.

Time to stop and relax now.

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Cooking up a storm

Another busy day with dog walking before Alison and I drove to W allotment and I cut the grass whilst Alison did the picking. We stopped at ...