Tuesday, September 20, 2022

It’s a beautiful day

It was quite a day yesterday as we watched the coverage of the royal funeral for the duration, the state service followed by the more intimate service at Windsor. Certainly memorable and deserving of great praise in the execution of the formalities, the people involved, the broadcast itself and as a tribute to the queen. Quite what comes next is uncertain and it would be tricky over the coming years with so many storms on the horizon for the country. 

Today sees a return to routine with the children safely off to school and Alison at work for the morning leaving me with Juno and the shopping, as well as some time with Joy who will be going to church for tea and biscuits later. The early hours were sunny after some initial mist at the golf course where the jays were very noisy, searching out acorns and where we set off a buzzard which had been perched overlooking one of the greens.

Plenty more cooking ahead and I'll need to crack on with the green tomato chuney soon, alongside the sloe gin. I did some more tomatoes yesterday and they are nicely preserved for a few weeks in jars having been slow roasted with garlic and herbs. They smell lovely.

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