Sunday, August 16, 2020

Weekend update

I'm just back from meeting up with Joe and Kate and the girls for our version of junior parkrun, running the course on a Sunday morning but without anyone else. I rode the MTB there and back, 10 miles, and enjoyed my first ride since the 100km ride on Tuesday. My backside appears to have recovered! Not too painful sitting on the saddle.

I'll have a run whilst Maria is at dance shortly.

We are recovering from the visit by Julie and Andy and the twins which was great but we are tired for sure. In fact I opted to drive to the allotment instead of cycling, although I did do a 5km run yesterday. The allotment is amazing. We have peas and french beans which I've never grown before, lots of raspberries, spinach, potatoes, runner beans and more to come. I am absolutely delighted with the food we are getting after the decimation caused by rabbits earlier in the year which I thought had put the lid on anything other than spuds. We've learnt a lot after making lots of mistakes with timing and protection and so one and are already looking forward to next season.

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Ragwormers play Teddy Rocks

I think I have been slightly overdoing all the exercise and allotmenting lately and that culminated in feeling so physically tired on Friday...