Monday, July 06, 2020


What a weekend that was!

We have had our two young grand daughters with us for the weekend, arriving at 10.00 and staying overnight until 4.00 the next day. They were added to our 12 year old daughter and 8 year old grand son.

It has been a lovely time but tiring too. I guess a 7 mile run ahead of their arrival on Saturday morning might have contributed to that feeling of tiredness but I was very pleased with the run with each mile under 9 and 1/2 minutes. It meant I just did a short run on Sunday after the girls had gone back home but I've been getting lots of miles in so far in July.

Lots of lovely pasta on Saturday and a roast on Sunday, saw the children tucking in and they made a lovely sight all sat round the dinner table.

We got to play in the local park which has reopened after a lengthy closure with plenty of soap and handwashing on return. They played on all of the equipment and it reminded me of many years ago when, as a child we would play on the swings and slides for hours. We had to build our own zip wires back then, mainly out of stolen items  such the wall tie ins found on building sites and lengths of wire removed from fencing. The park has a nice one which they can all manage with the exception of Amelia who is only 3.

In the evening they all settled down to watch Monsters, Inc which proved a hit with Evie in particular and we have the sequel ready for next time.

I've mixed in some photos from our bike ride to Moors Valley the previous day. Lovely seeing the three young moorhens.

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