Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Cold and frosty morning

After several weeks, there is growing anger about the lack of testing going on for Covid 19 and at the lack of personal protective clothing. The various spokespeople give a daily account of what they are hoping to do, what is planned and where they aim to be, aspirations which are beginning to grate as the lack of foresight becomes increasingly clear. As I have mentioned elsewhere, there will be a reckoning for this once we have battled through.

The other I am finding annoying is the constant push of 'good' news stories. I am all for keeping things positive and focusing on what is going well, examples of selflessness, communities coming together, progress being made, green shoots and so on. However, there is a growing disconnect between this and the reality of spiralling deaths, infections and pressure on the hospitals and their staff. I think there needs to be a better balance between the hard realities and avoidance of panic and gloom. It might be best summed up by asking to be treated as adults.

On a personal level, we are all fine still and keeping very busy. Maria has been continuing with her school work and dance and Alison has been down to visit her mother again, spending sometime in th egarden so they can keep their distance.

I walked Maisy, ran 5km and worked with Maria whilst cooking up a chickpea and butternut squash curry, some hummus and some butternut squash soup. It was then time for painting and decorating, this time Evie and Amelia's room, followed by a couple of hours at the allotment.

It was a productive and nicely tiring day.

One piece of news which is concerning was the confirmation that two cases of coronavirus have been reported on the Isle of Lewis. Obviously we all worry about mum but know the arrangements at the care home do provide her with the best environment for now.

Back to today's school work now after a lovely run through Plough Lane having found a new path to run round.

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Ragwormers play Teddy Rocks

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