Thursday, March 26, 2020

Lockdown continued

Isn't it strange how quickly we become used to the most extraordinary circumstances? We've been in lockdown for a few days now and clealy this is having an enormous impact on how society functions with some examples of the worst of human behaviour e.g. NHS staff being robbed of their passes on lanyards to allow the criminals to pose as staff entitled to free food and other 'perks', and more examples of people and communities coming together. We are seeing that in Woodlands with a Facebook group giving us the opportunity to check on one another and to pass information on such as where to get eggs.

The strange thing is that we have quickly adapted to the new routines with the big proviso that we are missing contact with the wider family even allowing for face time and similar. I've already walked the dog this morning and been for a 5km run round Remedy Oak golf course and am ready for the first lesson of the day with Maria. She's working from 9 - 12 each weekday and I am enjoying it immensely. Lots of interesting work which seems to be engaging her.

The afternoon has seen us in the garden or in the attic. I've done the skirting boards up there now and started the varnishing of the new staircase. We'll be painting the walls and ceiling today and finishing the stairs which means we'll be able to get Glen up there tomorrow perhaps.

That's exciting, as are developments in the garden where seeds are germinating and the birds are very active, collecting nesting material and exploring potetial nest sites.

It is fair to say that I am constantly reminded of how fortunate we are in having such a lot of space in the house and a good size garden, company and the health to be able to get out and about each day. With the sunshine we are having htis week, it really does feel like we are the lucky ones. It is also good to be aware of how quickly that can all change and I can imagine how distressing it will be should the virus affect any of us, especially the more elderly members of the family.

Time for school. Have a good day everyone.

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