Thursday, April 09, 2009

Building work is almost there

Nearly all the work on the house is complete at last having started six months or so ago and been promised it done by February! The front room has a new suite with reclining sofa which the kids love and a new coffee table with several drawers which Maria enjoys putting things into and then spreading them over the floor.
The kitchen was decorated by the world's most careful decorator who took 3 days to paint it very, very slowly. The fact is he took an hour each day to pack his things away with folding his sheets the work of a master. However, the results are terrific although in moving the fridge back into place, he and the builder in charge tore a hole in the flooring which will have to be replaced.
The computer room, study sounds too pretentious, is re-carpeted and clear of all the old shed tools etc. Maria loves the treadmill and walks on it at .5mph and still outpaces me. I have been doing 3 miles a day which is taking a shade under half an hour.
The utility room is lovely with the dogs out there rather than trailing mud and grime throughout the house, the noise of the washing machine and tumble dryer confined to that space and just a room to hide the clutter.
We've got work to do on it still with cupboards to go up as well as the wood burning stove we want. It will be quite an inviting place to sit round a fire and watch the new TV.

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Allotment day again

With Maria needing picking up from school and then being at dance for an hour and a half, I took the chance to visit both allotments yesterd...