Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Breaking News

We had a phone call from Glen's football manager this evening and he has been selected to go for a trail down at Bournemouth fr the level below their school of excellence. Hard to believe they have such a school but they do apparently.

So for the next 4 Fridays Glen will be playing down in Bournemouth with the prospect of proper coaching etc if successful. That's quite an achievement given he's only been playing a few years and is ample proof that he's inherited his Dad's genes. Except he has pace and can tackle and kick the ball properly. I think there are too many of those players in the game already. What is needed is more elderly, slow, lazy footballers. Perhaps I'm not the only one?

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Beach walk

 We all seem to be ill. Maria's dance showcase on Saturday evening was great but since then it has been downhill. Alison has been in bed...