Friday, April 20, 2007

Iscape crash

The first game of the new season saw us lose 3 - 0 in a disappointing display. We weren't helped by a new ref who frankly had an appalling game. The opening goal came from an incident in which Kevin clearly had his ankle trodden on and in stopping because someone was stood on his foot, the ball went off to one of the opposition who set up an easy goal.

Hen had a great game throughout and was not at fault for any of the goals. He's going to have to work on his arm as the new rules allow overarm throwouts.

We slipped further behind after half time and faded despite playing quite well. Dave was a notable absentee and we can only hope for better things tomorrow.

It was a little unsettling being able to see the surroundings to the pitch. It's the first time we've played in the natural light for months and was quite weird. The slope seemed to have disappeared! It soon turned up again once we were running.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A slope is an advantage to some of our more prtly members of the parish!!

Cooking up a storm

Another busy day with dog walking before Alison and I drove to W allotment and I cut the grass whilst Alison did the picking. We stopped at ...