Monday, March 12, 2007


I haven't posted here for a while so as I'm stuck in inclusion for lunchtime I thought I'd catch up a little by moaning about my day.

I was in school before 7 to have a line management meeting with the Head of Humanities which went on until the start of the morning meeting we have before registration. I covered inclusion until the start of lesson 1 with a Year 10 class I am taking because their previous teacher(s) have left. We were preparing a piece of coursework on Romeo and Juliet without any resources etc as this was an unexpected development in my timetable. Less unexpected but equally new is the fact I am now teaching Maths although crowd control would be a better description. The top set Year 11 class have had no teacher for several weeks as he has been off with stress related illness. I now look after a group of almost 40 due to reorganisation while a proper Maths teacher instructs the class in the skills required to do well in the exams.

Break was spent in inclusion and followed by Year 11 English. That saw me back inclusion for the remainder of the day with lunch being an unexpected bonus as the guy who usually supervises so I can have a break had gone home.

It's Year 10 and 11 tutor meetings after school and a Governors Meeting at 7.00 which prevents me from playing football this week. I am feeling pretty fed up with the length of day and demands being made on my time. It doesn't seem right starting at 7 in the morning and still starting another meeting 12 hours later!!!

Sometimes it's good to moan but I am also trying to juggle work to do with the school closing, my headteacher qualification, achievement at GCSE and intervention at the same time. Tomorrow is full of teaching, interviewing new teahcer for English Dept and I know I have at least three meetings immediately after school which I should be in but I'm going to do some coursework with Year 11 students instead.

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Allotment day again

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