Thursday, January 05, 2006

Kids are back

Having agreed an amnesty for reports etc with the start of the new term it was a pretty horrendous day for a first day back with numerous students out of class for refusing to do as asked and even the inclusion room, which started with 6 students, was problematic with only 3 making the whole day. The others were excluded for causing further problems.

A parent has phoned to ask if I know anything about American style boot camps to send her son to as he has been awful over the holiday and hated his presents and everything for the two weeks. She is at a loss to know what to do next.

Mock exam preparation is well underway and I have a growing pile of coursework to mark.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

same old stuff goes round and round eh!

"No fun to hang around
Feeling that same old way
No fun to hang around
Freaked out for another day"

Cooking up a storm

Another busy day with dog walking before Alison and I drove to W allotment and I cut the grass whilst Alison did the picking. We stopped at ...