Thursday, August 12, 2021

Harvesting again

I was up and out just after 8 this morning to cycle to the allotment, as there is just so much produce coming through at present I worry that much of it will go to waste which I'm not keen on after all the work getting it ready to flourish.

I started digging two roots of potatoes and they are doing so well, much improved on last year with lots of tubers on each. We are going to take a while to get through all of them. Then there are the runner beans which are in great abundance and some of them over a foot long. 

The courgette continues to provide at least one fruit every visit with two nice sized ones today which I got to before they became too huge and marrow like. I got a couple of beetroot and lettuces and french beans too. 

It is lovely to be able to turn up and spend 20 minutes selecting veg and then get on home without any other effort. I did the return leg in light drizzle at 14.5 mph and am looking forward to a feast later on.

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