Friday, August 13, 2021

English Springer Spaniel

The big news for the family is that we are going to be getting a 9 week old puppy next week, a spaniel, and it will join Glen's new puppy in the household, at least for a little while. We can't wait to start training it up but also to get back into the habit going for daily walks. We could all do with it. 

The other photo is from last night when Alison and I went to the Lighthouse in Poole to watch the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra performing a range of popular classical pieces. Neither of us have ever attended a classical music concert before but I am happy to report it was fantastic. We loved it. One of the nice things was getting there early enough to have a drink before the action when usually everything is such a rush. However, the main factor was that the music was superb and feeling it physically in the audience was incredible.

I had no idea it could be so entertaining and there was always something to see whilst enjoying the music itself. They started with the theme from Star wars and encored with the theme from ET with a full performance of the 1812 overture, Finlandia, the theme from Schindler's List, the Dance Macabre, Spartacus and others.

We will definitely be going again.  

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