Sunday, August 22, 2021

Harry's Meadow

We had a brilliant little stay at Harry's Meadow last night arriving in the early afternoon after a short drive along some veyr narrow lanes which were a little bit disconcerting. The campsite is massive but great for the space you get as well as access to basic compostable toilets, hot showers and plenty of great walks. 

Having the two girls, as well as Maria, meant we were always going to be on call at all times and so it proved, especially with the new puppy too! However, we had a very enjoyable stay and lots of fun. Juno was excellent throughout and walked over a mile and a half down to the river which is a beautiful walk with stunning views. Tea was a pasta and bolognese sauce affair and the film was the Spice Girls movie. 

After breakfast we were soon off to Bournemouth to drop the girls off before home, lunch with Joy, a trip to the allotment to harvest food for the next trip and packing.

We are off to Pitton Cross on the Gower Peninsula tomorrow and staying for three nights, just Alison and I, whilst Bridie and Marie are off to Weymouth, with Jospeh too, of course. We will have Juno with us and are looking forward to more adventures! 

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