Saturday, August 21, 2021

Good morning

Another early start to the day with a 5am wake up call from Juno. She did really well yesterday and is already starting to adapt to family life here, calmer and able to lie quietly for extended periods. Not too many accidents as of yet either which is great, and loving going for a walk. This morning we have gone down the track and would go further except she is yet to have her second vaccination.

I did get to the allotment yesterday and spent quite some time strimming the grass first but then also simply picking runner beans and french beans. There are so many we have started passing them on to family members and to blanche them prior to freezing so we've got some goodies for the winter.

At Joy's I got most of the strimming of the meadow part of the lawn done but not quite finished. Her beans are doing well also and I picked a good number for Sandra to pick up today when she visits her mum. I also met up with a guy quoting for cutting the hedges and it made me realise what a service I've been providing as the cost would be £420 for two people to do six hours work including VAT with all the cuttings taken away etc. 

Now our attention is switching to our forthcoming trips to Harry's Meadow tonight, the Gower Peninsula, Plymouth and Watergate Bay to come before the end of the month. Glen will be here keeping an eye on things and feeding the cat, as well as gigging.

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