Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Trying to be helpful

 I started the day watching the Olympics but was soon outside cutting our hedges for a final time before the autumn cut before getting over the road to our neighbour's. The hedge there is laurel and I'd noticed them paying someone to cut it last year and said I'd do it for them in future.

I got to it quickly and it wasn't a hugely long job but it was nice to be able to do something to help someone else out. They offered to get me something but I asked that they donate to my new Just Giving page which has been set up for the charity walk I'm doing in September.

The walk is for Julia's House and is 16 miles around the beautiful countryside of Cranborne Chase. It is obviously a lot shorter than the 51 miles from May but it is more about the fundraising. Hoepfully I can get a few hundred pounds raised this time.

In my spirit of community service I spent an hour going to the crossroads and back to litter pick which means I am feeling quite smug about being a helpful old man with too much time on his hands.

I then went on a 3 mile walk listening to the audiobook of 'The Lamplighters' before a bit of time getting ready for tomorrow's trip to Mortimer's Cross and Lyepol.


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