Tuesday, August 17, 2021


Having decided to get our new puppy at the start of September, we promptly went and fetched her on Monday instead which was largely at the prompting of Alison and Maria, particularly as the seller said that taking her on our travels in the motorhome would not be a problem. As it happened, our visitors had also been thinking about getting themselves a puppy with just their mum having some doubts which were overcome by the other three. They also collected a puppy, the one with the liver colouring.

Ours is the black markings puppy, Juno, born on June 17th and her sister has been Lilah, short for Delilah. Both did well last night settling and seeming happy in their new surroundings. Lilah has gone to her new home in Kent now, Herne Bay, and we are with Juno who has company in the shape of Rag, Glen's puppy.

We had a really good weekend with our visitors with the added bonus of a fantastic Vietnamese meal cooked by Nina. The children loved it too which was an added bonus. We got to use chopsticks too and Joseph and I had a go at the hot chilli sauce. God, it was hot, hot, hot!

Nina works as a nail technician and she did Maria's nails which Maria enjoyed enormously. 

I have still managed to get out for a couple of 4 mile runs and am getting back into the groove. 

The final picture is of Alison amongst the raspberries on the allotment. Lots and lots coming still.

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