Monday, August 09, 2021

Bumper crops

I was in Wimborne to take a few things to the tip, a car battery, broken microwave and so on, which meant it was a good time to visit the allotment following a few days away. Aside from the obligatory strim, I was able to get some weeding done thanks to the continuing rain which seems to fall every day and has made the soil nice and soft meaning yanking the roots out was easier.

The various beds are just full of vegetables at the moment, as well as the sunflowers and other plants such as rosemary and mint, doing well. The courgette keeps producing these lovely fruits but getting them before they get too big is a challenge when you are away for days at a time. The one in the photo has been sliced and roasted in the main with some being spiralized for a salad and the remainder saved for tomorrow. I've done a salad using lettuce from the allotment and tomatoes from the garden and the beetroot got roasted to accompany the salad. I've blanched and then frozen the french beans and we are having runner beans for tea tonight and tomorrow, there are so many. There's peas as well and then the potatoes.

The ones in the photo are from two plants I put in with the strawberries as there was a bit of space left and they have cropped very well. There are leeks and carrots to come, as well as turnip and the usual chard and spinach which are growing nicely. We can pick the greens every day if we like, there is so much.

It's been nice to get out into the garden and to sort out one or two bits and pieces between showers and I've ordered a few more things for the motorhome to go with the recent additions e.g. velcro and suction hooks.

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