Monday, January 08, 2007

A Monday Morning

Looks as though I'm going to have to spend three hours in inclusion today as a number of staff are away which means I will be able to get a good deal of planning and marking done. At the same time I thought I'd just jot down my day so far.

Arrived at 7.00 and distributed information to Year Leaders about problems in school from Friday and updated records about exclusion of Year 11 boy from Friday. Updated records about students sent out of class last week and those in inclusion.

Spoke with Assistant Head about proposed changes to school timetable required to enable us to provide enrichment opportunities whilst giving staff enough time for their lessons if they involve practical work e.g. Science and Food Tech. There are pros and cons to the different proposals and staff seem completely divided based on how their subject will be affected. However, we have to make a decision this week with option choices having to be made by Year 9 soon.

Spoke with Head about problem on Friday and discussed post exclusion meeting happening later this morning.

I was asked to go to class and remove a girl who has to have continual support as she has a number of emotional problems and could harm herself. She had refused to go where asked preferring to remain in class. I spoke to her and took her to correct location.

Met briefly with Learning Mentor and discussed Year 11 students on C/D border.

Spoke with Year 11 student who has been out of school for some time while police investigation carried out. On bail presently but is unable to go to class as the allegations involve other students.

Telephone call with parent about her son and his exclusion. Letters sent about detentions later this week, 39 of them. Information passed to Year Leaders to pass on.

Taught lesson to Year 11 working on coursework and giving some of them the opportunity to write a media response to 'Saving Private Ryan'.

Seen by students on report to have them signed. Kept one of them in over break as he had altered the numbers on his report so they were higher.

Asked to move the same girl back to new building as she had walked off during lesson 2. Successfully negotiated. Attendance officer asked for advice and help with Year 9 student refusing to come into school. Also a Year 11 boy who had gone home because the school nurse had sent him home unwell or at least that is what he'd told his father. The school nurse doesn't work on Monday!

Researching differing models of organisation in schools to try and find aternative solutions to timetable difficulties. How much effort should we be putting into this when the school's closing in just over a year? How imaginative should we be? Some schools have compulsory after school sessions! How would that work?

Worked on NPQH. Looking at one of the modules for the personal learning.

Now it's lunchtime. Off to the canteen wth the 2 Year 8 lads in inclusion having returned from exclusion.

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