It was still chilly this morning but Juno and I were in the woods by 7 and enjoying the light at last, the days stretching at either end noticeably now.
We went to Morrisons after breakfast before I took Juno for a walk from Potterne to Moors Valley, lots of birds singing and we saw a great spotted woodpecker tapping away noisily against a topmost branch. With Juno back in the boot of the car, we headed to WM allotment and for the first time since Nov but it is all tidy and ready for spring proper, lots of compost having been added in the autumn.
The broad beans have been hit by the frosts but the garlic is doing very well. I see the leeks have grown some more and will give us a few more stems. I also grabbed a wheelbarrow and took down a couple of barrowloads of manure which has been delivered to the site recently.
From there we stopped at Queens Copse for another walk on the way home, just a short one, and again lots of birdsong and plenty of catkins.
Lovely morning after a late night where I took Maria to a party in Sturminster Marshall and had to bring her home too. And dance finishes at 10 tonight, so another late one.