Thursday, February 13, 2025

Almost like spring

It was still chilly this morning but Juno and I were in the woods by 7 and enjoying the light at last, the days stretching at either end noticeably now.

We went to Morrisons after breakfast before I took Juno for a walk from Potterne to Moors Valley, lots of birds singing and we saw a great spotted woodpecker tapping away noisily against a topmost branch. With Juno back in the boot of the car, we headed to WM allotment and for the first time since Nov but it is all tidy and ready for spring proper, lots of compost having been added in the autumn.

The broad beans have been hit by the frosts but the garlic is doing very well. I see the leeks have grown some more and will give us a few more stems. I also grabbed a wheelbarrow and took down a couple of barrowloads of manure which has been delivered to the site recently.

From there we stopped at Queens Copse for another walk on the way home, just a short one, and again lots of birdsong and plenty of catkins.

Lovely morning after a late night where I took Maria to a party in Sturminster Marshall and had to bring her home too. And dance finishes at 10 tonight, so another late one.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Birthday weekend

We started off with a visit to W on Friday, the first trip to the allotment since Nov, and got a bit of mowing, weeding and tidying done. A chilly morning but I did manage to create a path round the largest bed ahead of the new growing season.

The rest of the weekend was all about the two birthdays celebrated on Saturday which both went well. Lots of fun and a lovely brunch on Sunday morning too before watching the mighty Argyle upset Liverpool in the cup.Quite a surprise! 

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Bits and pieces again

Out early with Juno at 6.30 in sub-zero temperatures so I could drive Alison to work and then take Maria to dance. Alison needed the car for an evening first aid training, so I dropped it back at her work place and walked back home across the golf course with Juno. Lovely walk.

I'd wanted to hoover properly today and so started moving the furniture to one side in the front room. One thing led to another and the entire room got changed round again, much as Maria wanted it and similar to how we used to have it. We will see how it suits.

After lunch I sorted out the seeds I bought yesterday ready for the allotments over the coming months. Just about everything is there, so back to the plots it will be soon. There was time for a run and then another dog walk before I was off again, this time in the motorhome, so collect Maria. I then made Joseph a snack before taking him to Verwood for his Ju Jitsu class and made some tea for Maria. 

I'm taking a break now having had some of the curry left over from last night. Poor Alison isn't back until 10! Very long day for her.

Monday, February 03, 2025

Weekend wanderings

I took Joseph home on Friday and took the opportunity to have a walk with Juno towards Moors Valley from Potterne. We then stopped at The Albion on the way home which set the tone for the weekend.

On Saturday Juno and I walked down to Verwood in the afternoon and met up with Bridie and Joseph in The Swans where we watched the rugby by accident. I'd hoped to see the football but never mind. I bumped into two people I knew over 30 years ago from working at Key and playing darts in the early nineties. 

Sunday saw Alison and I head to Badbury Rings where we met with Kate and the girls. Joe was in Bristol with Glen for his 40th birthday celebrations and Maria had a sleepover on Saturday so a smaller group than would otherwise have been the case. It was a gorgeous morning and we had a lovely walk before all heading home for a bit of dinner. 

Later Alison and I drove Bridie to the Mayflower in Southampton stopping for a couple of drinks before the concert by BSO featuring the music of John Williams from the Star Wars movies. It was a great couple of hours and the atmosphere was enhanced by the arrival of characters from the films, or at least role players.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Jobs done

Gorgeous early morning sunshine today with a few miles round the golf course before getting on with the day. I noticed a sidelight wasn't working on the car the other day and ordered a replacement bulb which arrived and proved easy to fit, a nice change! All working now.

It gave me the incentive to get some work done on the motorhome which needed the tyres checked for example. They all needed a fair bit of air, the first time I'd done them since before going to Europe last June. Should help with the petrol consumption on the Stornoway tri next month. I also checked the window leak is no longer an issue and it certainly appears that way for now. Good news. I did a little painting too, just one of the covers, in white because the plastic looks grey and worn. A bit of brightening up won't hurt.

Really enjoyed the Bob Dylan film, A Complete Unknown. Featured actors in the roles of Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger and Johnny Cash which made for a great soundtrack.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Getting out

I managed a run in the morning, the first of the year, dodging the last of the lingering showers on an overcast late January day. It is lovely to be able to be outside so much despite the still short hours of daylight. Juno and I had a few walks including one at Potterne after dropping Joseph home, the river full and cold looking.

Alison was at work so I had plenty of time to make a healthy tea followed by a still reasonably healthy fruit tart, apple, blueberries and grapes.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

New Forest walk and ride

Between the storms Juno and I headed to Moyles Court and parked up for a few hours with the motorhome as a base. We had a lovely walk to start with accompanied by sunshine before I left Juno on the van and took off for a few miles on the bike. Nice to be back on the road bike, especially with the route being pretty flat.

I had a stop at the Royal Oak for a pint before riding back and driving to Queens Copse for another walk in the woods. 

There was time for a stop at Drusillas just a couple of miles from home for a final drink. Juno loved it and had plenty of room on her blanket in the motorhome whilst waiting for my return.

Almost like spring

It was still chilly this morning but Juno and I were in the woods by 7 and enjoying the light at last, the days stretching at either end not...