Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Kingston Lacy

Alison and I had a little visit to Kingston Lacy with the autumn season in full swing now. Beautiful colours and very quiet in the gardens, so we were able to take our time and fully appreciate the work that has been done recently. There are so many areas where the staff have been changing planting and paths, opening up spaces and so on. It looks great.

We also enjoyed a tour of the house, focusing on the art work but also spending some time listening to the very knowledgeable guides who bring the place to life.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

An evening by the beach

Alison and I visited the allotment before heading to the shops in the morning. Juno and I had already walked 5 miles in our long weekend walk and we managed to dodge the heavy rain that came before mid day. Our haul from the allotment included the last of the carrots which are starting to suffer from slugs with the wet weather and declining availability of food for them. We also brought home a couple of squash, a courgette, greens and beetroot.

In the evening Maria was meeting a friend and then going to Waggamamma's in Bournemouth, so we decided to use the time for a walk on the beach with Juno. Cold but beautiful, especially with the moonlight on the sea.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Unexpected bonus

I spent a bit of time at the W allotment whilst Alison visited Joy and was surprised by how many runner beans, carrots and beetroot were still good for picking. The carrots were a lovely size and I was also able to pick spinach, lettuce, basil and Coriander from the cold frame. 

It was also an opportunity to clear away more of the debris from removing the redcurrant bush and to weed a little more. Next week should be ideal for planting the broad beans for early cropping next year, and the garlic for June harvest. We are still working our way through this year's garlic, smoething it is easy to take for granted. Plenty of flavour in the cloves and will last us into next year.

Alison was in the garden this afternoon, deadheading and tidying up, and I gave the car a wash and polish, hoover and tyre pressure check. It's like being retired!

Juno and I walked 4.65 miles this morning and are aiming to beat last week's total distance walked of 38 miles. We'll have 16 miles to do in 3 days, so it is on. Fingers crossed with the weather. 

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Mid October

It was a busy weekend with Joseph staying three nights and the girls staying Friday night before a day in Bournemouth. They were all back to school on Monday when Alison and I drove to Dorchester where there was a shop with fancy dress which Alison hoped would provide her with a suitable costume. It was nice to simply walk around the shops without anything in particular in mind before meeting up with Sandra for coffee.

Tuesday was very wet again and Juno and myself were soaked after the first walk of the day, three miles in the mud. The stream in the woods is already full and autumn is just getting going. However, today is a complete contrast with sunshine for now and perfect for a walk across Dewlands to collect the car.

I did a cycle ride yesterday and dodged most of the rain but more surprisingly, I ran on Monday. I was not thinking of running again, at my advanced age, but have been thinking about it for several days. First time since May and I managed over two miles without a stop. Jelly legs afterwards though!

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Bournemouth beach on a Friday evening

Maria had an evening out in Bournemouth with her college friends which meant I had a bit of time to kill between lifts. She had a lovely time before we headed home to join Alison with Joseph and the girls over for a sleepover. Juno and I walked a few miles as the darkness fell and she was as suspicious as ever of the moving water. It was pretty quiet despite it being a nice evening and we relaxed just out of reach of the waves as they broke gently over the sand.

Once we'd got back to town, we headed to a local bar for an alcohol free beer and some salted crisps to share.

W allotment

It's getting toward the end of the main harvest now with the runner beans done and the tomatoes largely gone over after the drop in temperature. I did enjoy an extended visit this morning though and got the grass cut along with the strimming. All neat and tidy now. There were still things to pick, including a couple more courgettes, a squash, carrots, beetroot and swede. It is lovely to be picking into October with more to come yet.

I tidied up the old strawberry bed and did a bit of weeding in the bed where the potatoes were. It is manured and ready for planting. I weeded the leek bed and the bed with the new courgettes and cold frame with the spinach and lettuce growing. That just left, for now anyway, the cabbage bed where I stripped the netting away and cleared weeds and slugs before picking my first ever self grown cabbage. It was small but tasty.

Not much more to do for now with the allotments. I can leave a few more days between visits now.

Friday, October 04, 2024

It goes on

More sunshine and very welcome too. I had a lovely dog walk again this morning, heading toward Horton and then swinging back round to Knob's Crook and home. It was so nice yesterday that I got on my bike to ride to Drusillas, a pub which has been closed for years now but will be reopening shortly. Great views across to Horton Tower and the Dorset countryside.

Kingston Lacy

Alison and I had a little visit to Kingston Lacy with the autumn season in full swing now. Beautiful colours and very quiet in the gardens, ...